The Pursuit of Word-of-Mouth: Search, Implement & Succeed

The Pursuit of Word-of-Mouth: Search, Implement & Succeed

In the dynamic world of marketing, capturing attention requires a certain degree of extraordinariness. It's not about developing a product or service that's entirely unconventional, but rather about positioning your high-quality, marketable product as something fresh and unique. 

Word-of-mouth (WOM) research plays a critical role in understanding customer perception and conceptualizing WOM itself. To conduct effective WOM research, consider the following questions:

  • How do your customers describe your product to non-users?

  • What questions do non-users have about your product?

  • How do your customers handle objections raised by prospects?

  • What messages need to circulate in the market to swing the tide in your favor?

A helpful tool to carry out this research is the "2-2-2" model: two groups of customers, two focus groups of prospects, and two mixed groups (enthusiasts and skeptics). 

Ask these groups:

  • How would you recommend our product to a friend?

  • How would you convince a skeptic about our product?

  • What objections do you anticipate from skeptics?

  • How would you address these objections?

Conduct these discussions via teleconferencing for a more relaxed environment that encourages honest feedback. An independent facilitator should manage these discussions to avoid bias.

Moving onto WOM campaigns, they require certain key ingredients:

  • Superior product

  • Access to key influencers in your marketplace

  • A group of experts advocating for you

  • Numerous enthusiastic consumers

  • Compelling, shareable stories that illustrate your product's superiority

  • Proof to substantiate your product's claims

  • Opportunities for direct experience, like a demo or free trial

  • Risk reduction methods, like an ironclad guarantee

Your company can leverage a robust WOM program in multiple situations, including overcoming credibility issues, promoting breakthroughs, managing unfair competitive practices, and circumventing governmental restrictions on product claims.

However, remember, not all products are suitable for WOM programs. For instance, products that can't offer a meaningful value-add through seminars, products that cannot be tried out, or products that are clearly inferior without any compensating advantages.

Effective WOM research and a well-planned WOM campaign can create a positive buzz around your product, generating significant customer interest. Need help? Try our FREE 45-minute consultation for expert guidance, resources, and tools.

Anita Larsen

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