Matching Sales Personalities: Who's Your MVP?

Matching Sales Personalities: Who's Your MVP?

In the previous post, we discussed how to make a positive first impression when making initial contact with your potential big clients. Today, we'll delve into understanding the personality of your prospective big client, and match the right salesperson to them.

To achieve this, we follow a two-step process:

  1. Profile your salespeople's personalities.

  2. Match the right salesperson to your target client.

There are three primary sales personality types:

  1. The Sage

  2. The Pal

  3. The Pit Bull

The Sage

This sales personality brings to the table knowledge, experience, and a reassuring presence. They have the ability to put worried clients at ease. To be successful, they need plenty of information, a demo of the product/service, references, and, if possible, case studies.

The Pal

This salesperson excels at relationship-building. They can quickly build rapport with prospective clients and foster a sense of familiarity. They work best with clients seeking friendship, information, and shared peer group experiences. This can range from shared age, and culture, to hobbies, and interests. While shared experiences can help build relationships, it's crucial for your salesperson to maintain a professional and dignified demeanor. This personality type needs assistance pairing with the right client, an entertainment budget, and relevant information to meet the client’s needs.

The Pit Bull

As the name suggests, this sales personality is more aggressive. They are all about business and bottom-line results. While this approach may seem off-putting to some, a particular subset of business people appreciate this direct approach and respect someone who can focus on business and the advantages of a partnership. This salesperson will need to be trusted with a degree of authority as they will likely be closing deals on the spot. They'll need substantial resources and access to products and services. They perform best in environments where they can work independently, exercise their discretion, and secure deals quickly. 

Each sales personality can be successful when used in the right selling environment. Matching the right salesperson to the client can secure more significant clients and retain them for a longer period.

If you need help identifying which of your salespeople fit into these three categories, schedule a Free consultation.

Anita Larsen

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