Leveraging Word-of-Mouth: The Art of Influencing Messages

Leveraging Word-of-Mouth: The Art of Influencing Messages

Welcome back! Today, we dive into the mechanics of how word-of-mouth (WOM) messages are delivered and how you, as a business, can control these messages for better results. The three primary methods of WOM are Expert to Expert, Expert to Peer, and Peer to Peer.

Expert to Expert

When experts discuss your products or services, it usually results in a surge of sales and new customer acquisitions, which is clearly a desirable outcome. You can facilitate this process by offering free products to experts for them to review. These expert opinions can also inspire new ideas, fueling innovation for your company's products, services, and operations. 

Expert-to-Peer and Peer to Peer

These two methods of WOM also significantly impact your business. The standard delivery system usually spans over a few years, but with strategic steps, this can be condensed to a few weeks. The key stages include: 

  1. First impressions from an expert

  2. Organized trials of your products or services

  3. Peer experience sharing

It's crucial to identify and appreciate your product advocates. Implementing a system for collecting praise, similar to your complaint filing system, can provide a wealth of benefits. Appreciating these advocates not only boosts their morale but also encourages them to further promote your products and services. A few ways to show your appreciation include:

  • Inviting them to a customer appreciation dinner

  • Video recording of their testimonials

  • Interviewing them for constructive feedback

  • Offering a premier customer membership

  • Inviting them to join a referral incentive program

Now, let's touch on conventional media. Despite its age, conventional media can still be effective, provided it is used strategically. The delivered information must be sequenced correctly, originate from credible sources, be relevant to the target customer, and be broadcasted at the right time. 

Next, let’s look at the two phases of the product adoption cycle. Traditional media is fantastic during the information stage but often falls short when it comes to tracking results. Without measurable results, refining and optimizing marketing strategies becomes challenging. 

Once a customer has the information they need, they'll verify their decision. This verification can come from direct product experience, interaction with peers using the same product, experts' experience, scientific resources, or independent reviews.

To speed up this process, you can provide demos and free trials, showcase others' experiences with your product, and share compelling stories that can be circulated. 

Mastering these concepts will enhance your ability to target your customers more effectively. If you need assistance, why not sign up for our free 45-minute consultation?

Anita Larsen

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