Going Beyond the Call: Deliver +1 For Stellar Service

Going Beyond the Call: Deliver +1 For Stellar Service

The last post covered the significance of understanding customer desires for a positive shopping experience. Today we delve deeper into a powerful concept known as "Deliver +1". This strategy can truly elevate your customer service, pushing satisfied customers into becoming 'Raving Fans'. A key part of this strategy, the '1% Rule', will be discussed in the next post for additional insight.

Consistency is key for any exceptional customer service experience. If you strive to elevate your satisfied customers to Raving Fan status, you have to consistently go above and beyond the average customer service experience. The Deliver +1 concept urges you to always deliver one step beyond what is expected, providing a memorable, positive encounter for the customer.

Implementing this effectively requires focusing on three main aspects:

Limit customer service options: While variety may seem appealing, offering too many customer service options can lead to confusion and divergence from your original vision. Remain true to your brand and offer one or two distinctive customer service methods that set you apart from the competition.

Refine existing systems before expanding: Don't be tempted to add new features or services without first ironing out any issues with your existing system. Launching a new program on top of a flawed system can lead to more errors and customer dissatisfaction.

Establish robust systems: Once your refined customer service options are determined, you need a foolproof system to execute them flawlessly. This involves having the right people in suitable roles, leveraging efficient technologies, and ensuring a consistently positive experience. The focus should always be on results - the satisfaction of the customer.

To support these aspects, two underlying elements are necessary:

Effective Training: For any system to function smoothly, the people running it need to be well-trained. This not only equips them to deliver the desired results but also helps the team to function cohesively.

Employee Appreciation: Recognizing the efforts of your team and showing appreciation can significantly boost morale and productivity, thereby enhancing the customer service experience.

Implementing the Deliver +1 concept in your customer service strategy requires thoughtful planning and execution. However, the results - a higher level of customer satisfaction and loyalty - make it worth the effort. If you need guidance navigating this process, schedule a free 45-minute consultation with one of our expert business coaches.

Anita Larsen

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