Exploring Word of Mouth Tactics - Part 3

Exploring Word of Mouth Tactics - Part 3

Last time we talked about the second part of word-of-mouth tactics, which help you put together a system to shorten the purchasing decision time of your customers. This can greatly increase your profits.

Today we’re going to talk about the nine levels of word of mouth, which gives you a tool to measure the word of mouth circulating around your company, products, and services. You can then see where you are getting negative or weak word of mouth and find ways to correct it.

So, launching into the nine levels of word of mouth – it should seem relatively obvious that the negative levels are, well, negative, and the positive levels are positive...

Minus 4: This is the worst possible level, indicating that your product is generating a scandal. Remember the scandals around popular over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol? That's the kind of negative word of mouth you want to avoid.

Minus 3: Discontented customers are actively dissuading others from purchasing your products or services. They're effectively boycotting your business.

Minus 2: Customers aren't outwardly boycotting, but when asked about your company, they respond negatively.

Minus 1: Here, customers are mildly dissatisfied. They may not openly express their discontent, but when asked, they respond negatively. They might continue to purchase despite their adverse feelings.

Level 0: This is a neutral position. Customers use your products but don't comment about them. They don't express their opinions unless asked. At this level, it's crucial to work towards shifting the customer experience from neutral to positive.

Plus 1: Finally, we're in the positive zone. Customers are generally satisfied with your products but don't openly discuss them unless prompted.

Plus 2: When asked, your customers express that they like your products.

Plus 3: Customers enthusiastically talk about your products, services, and their shopping experience with your company, even without being asked.

Plus 4: Your product becomes the talk of the town. There's a tangible buzz around your business. Customers not only praise your great products and services but also their shopping experience and your customer service.

Companies that exemplify Plus 4 status include Lexus, Harley Davidson, Lululemon, Tesla, Apple, and Costco.

Reflect on these nine levels and assess what kind of word of mouth your business is generating. If you need assistance with this process, schedule a FREE consultation to get support from our experienced business coaches.

Anita Larsen

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