Escape the Rat Race: Build Wealth with Financial Literacy

Escape the Rat Race: Build Wealth with Financial Literacy

Most of us have been stuck in jobs we didn't like - underpaid, unappreciated, and utterly bored. We either quit these jobs or got fired for lackluster performance, simply because we stopped caring. However, instead of giving up and becoming disillusioned, we should consider each job an opportunity to learn something new and apply it in the future.

Empowering people with the tools to develop creative solutions not only enhances their lives but provides long-term benefits. You can implement this strategy within your company. You can incentivize your employees' creativity by linking it to their potential raises, bonuses, and other perks.

A key concept to understand is "financial literacy" - an important skill set, often overlooked in traditional education. Financial literacy is about learning how to become an effective employer rather than just a good employee. It involves attaining wealth and sustaining it for generations.

So, how can you escape the rat race and pave the way toward a wealthier future? First, understand the difference between an asset and a liability. An asset should continue to make you money. If you're still struggling and your primary income comes from wages taxed with each raise, you're not truly creating wealth.

Many of us have been led to believe that our house, car, or entertainment system are assets, but they aren't! On the contrary, real wealth-creating assets can include:

  • Real estate

  • Stocks (particularly in startups and small companies)

  • Bonds

  • Mutual funds

  • Intellectual property

  • Valuables that generate income or appreciate

Liabilities often take the form of mortgages, consumer loans, and credit cards. 

Average holding periods before an asset is sold for higher value can be:

  • 1 year for stocks, bonds, and mutual funds

  • 7 years for real estate, IOUs, royalties on intellectual property, and other income-generating valuables

Here are the steps to escape the rat race and start your journey toward wealth creation:

  1. Understand the difference between an asset and a liability.

  2. Focus on acquiring income-generating assets.

  3. Keep liabilities and expenses to a minimum.

  4. Mind your own business.

If you need assistance in shifting from a poverty mindset to a wealth-building one, schedule a FREE consultation and connect with one of our experienced business coaches today.

In our next blog, we'll delve into the concept of "minding your own business" to stay focused on wealth creation.

Anita Larsen

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