Digital Strategies for Approaching Big Clients

Digital Strategies for Approaching Big Clients

In our previous post, we delved into understanding the 'big fish' and preparing for that all-important first contact. That first impression is crucial to your success in the digital age. Your 'big fish' needs to believe in your ability to deliver what you promise, on time, with top-notch quality, and at a competitive price, all while utilizing the benefits of modern technology and practices.

Today, we will guide you through the approach process in this digital era, focusing on how to create a lasting first impression. But before crafting your digital approach plan, choose the 'big fish' you want to pursue. Review your notes and the data analytics you've used to research potential big clients and decide which one seems most approachable based on your insights.

The process of selecting your 'big fish' involves three digital-age steps:

  1. Position Your Business Digitally: This involves developing an effective digital presence, analyzing your revenue streams, operational procedures, the initial digital position of your target client, your analytics-driven research about the client, and compiling all this data.

  2. Compile Your Digital Hit List: Start with a comprehensive list of all potential clients you've been considering based on market research and social listening. Narrow it down to those who could benefit from your products or services. Don't discount any options, irrespective of their digital footprint. Remember, today's small fish could become tomorrow's big fish!

  3. Select the Best Digital Target: Decide which potential client is most suitable to approach first. Consider factors such as their online purchasing power, compatibility of company visions, their digital employee incentive programs related to your products/services, the real need for your offering in the digital space, and whether this partnership aligns with your digital strategy.

With your target in mind, it's time to devise your digital approach and implement it. Here's a step-by-step plan to ensure you make a positive first impression in the digital world:

  1. Build and analyze your database: Use data analytics to categorize your leads into hot leads, great fits, and secondary leads.

  2. Send out introductory emails or LinkedIn InMails to your target, introducing your company, services, products, and vision. Keep it short, clear, and engaging.

  3. Follow up with a phone call or video call 2-3 days after they receive the mailings. Identify the decision-maker and attempt to schedule a virtual meeting.

  4. Send a follow-up email to thank them for their time and to provide additional details about your offerings. Use this opportunity to schedule a presentation.

  5. Follow up the email with another phone or video call a few days later to develop your relationship further and to try to secure a presentation meeting.

  6. If no meeting has been set, reach out again a week later via social media or email. Confirm if they received your follow-up email and try to introduce yourself in a digital context.

Remember, it's okay if you don't close the deal immediately. Some clients take longer to convince, especially in the digital landscape. It might seem daunting at first, but with a quality product/service and a well-crafted digital strategy, you're on the right path. After making a strong first digital impression, it's time to send your best salesperson to close the deal, armed with a compelling digital sales pitch.

For guidance on crafting your digital approach and making a remarkable first impression, consider a free consultation.

Anita Larsen

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