Boost Your Business with Word-of-Mouth: A Guide

Boost Your Business with Word-of-Mouth: A Guide

In the dynamic business world, understanding and impacting your customer's decision-making process is vital. One timeless strategy is leveraging positive word-of-mouth (WOM). Let's explore the five stages of this process and see how WOM can be a game-changer for your business.

  1. Transitioning from "No" to "Maybe"

The first step is capturing your potential customer's interest, turning their initial 'no' into a 'maybe'. To achieve this, offering reliable information and well-structured pricing, guarantees, and incentives is key.

  1. Investigating Your Offerings

At this point, your potential customers are scrutinizing your offerings, trying to find something that could enhance their lives. Your hard facts and figures need to be front and center for easy comparison.

  1. The Trial Period

Customers feel more comfortable purchasing when there's a trial in place. They often want to try vicariously through others, minimizing perceived risk. Offering demo videos, product demonstrations, or facility tours can be a great way to do this.

  1. The First Purchase

Here, customers have taken the risk of purchasing one of your products or services. They evaluate the ease of use, convenience, cost-effectiveness, and overall satisfaction. 

  1. Becoming Advocates

This is the final stage where customers, delighted with your product, often continue using it, return for more, and spread positive WOM about your offerings.

In this journey, it's important to understand that different customers have unique traits and fall into different categories:

The Innovator: They strive to stand out, are on top of trends, and enjoy trying out unique products first, often discussing their experiences enthusiastically.

The Early Adopter: Excellence drives them, they're more interested in possibilities than realities, and always aim to be leaders with a vision.

The Middle Majority: They want to be seen as competent, prefer practicality, and easy comparisons, need an easy exit if not satisfied, and prefer products meeting industry standards.

The Late Majority: They are generally skeptical, want to know risks upfront, shop around for the best deals, need a support system, and want what everyone else has.

The Laggard: They need safe, traditional products, require reassurance that nothing will go wrong, and avoid new things unless it's the last resort.

Next time, we'll talk about how WOM messages are delivered and what you can do to facilitate that. Meanwhile, if you're curious about which types of customers you're currently serving and how to attract the ones you're missing, why not sign up for our free 45-minute consultation?

Anita Larsen

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