Avoid Deal Breakers: Top Two Client Management Errors

Avoid Deal Breakers: Top Two Client Management Errors

In the world of client management, five major mistakes can break a deal with a significant client or 'big fish'. These are:

  1. Not meeting the client’s expectations.

  2. Mishandling a client crisis.

  3. Taking on more than you can handle.

  4. Putting all your eggs in one basket.

  5. Being up cash creek without a paddle.

A single occurrence or combination of these missteps can harm the partnership and potentially threaten your company's survival. In this blog, we will cover the first two mistakes.

  1. Not Meeting Client’s Expectations

The cornerstone of successful client management is delivering exactly what you promised during the negotiation phase. If for any reason you fail to meet the client’s expectations, it's crucial to not only fix the situation but also to understand what went wrong.

This problem could result from:

  • Poor salesmanship: Perhaps the salesperson was overly eager to close the deal and failed to address the client's needs.

  • Lack of communication: This often happens when there's a disconnect between the salesperson and your operations department.

To avoid these issues, implement a clear action plan for your sales team:

  • Think before you speak.

  • Give yourself room to maneuver.

  • Perfect your processes.

  • Over-deliver within defined boundaries.

  • Stay engaged throughout the entire process.

  • Clearly define what success looks like.

  1. Mishandling a Client Crisis

Crises are inevitable, but your response can either build trust or erode it. Here are some tips for handling a client crisis effectively:

  • Take responsibility and apologize, regardless of who is at fault.

  • Act swiftly and decisively.

  • Assume control of the situation.

  • Avoid finger-pointing or placing blame.

  • Maintain constant communication with your client.

  • Stay calm throughout the situation.

  • Keep your focus on resolution.

Understanding these two critical mistakes will help you avoid them and develop a contingency plan for crises. 

Need help implementing these strategies? Try our FREE consultation for comprehensive support and resources.

In our next blog post, we will address the third and fourth mistakes that can break a deal with a 'big fish' client. Stay tuned!

Anita Larsen

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