Achieve Growth With the 1% Rule: A Step-by-Step Approach

Achieve Growth With the 1% Rule: A Step-by-Step Approach

Our previous discussions on customer service evolved around concepts such as understanding your customers' needs and delivering a service experience that's one step beyond the expected. But how do we ensure that this level of service doesn't remain static? How do we ensure growth and improvement? The answer lies in the "Rule of 1%".

The Rule of 1% suggests improving your customer service one percent at a time. It's a seemingly small yet potent incremental approach toward enhancement. However, this strategy only works when there's a solid level of consistency in your current service. Without that, efforts towards incremental improvements could get lost amidst erratic service levels.

Consider this process a marathon, not a sprint. Trying to make large-scale changes abruptly can lead to failure due to a lack of preparation or resources. On the opposite end, improving by 1% each week not only gradually refines the customer service experience but also boosts confidence in your team. Imagine, by the end of a year, your service would have improved by more than 50%!

While following rules and standards is critical for achieving systematic growth, remember to be flexible with your best customers. For example, while limiting the number of items a customer can take into a fitting room may deter shoplifters, it also inconveniences the vast majority of customers who are there to genuinely shop. It's crucial to balance consistency in your service delivery with flexibility based on customer behavior and history.

The essence of it all is that customers rely on you to deliver what you promise. If your advertising creates expectations that your service can't fulfill, you risk damaging your reputation and customer trust, regardless of your intentions.

So, focus on your vision for excellent customer service and employ the Rule of 1% for incremental, consistent improvements. This strategic approach can transition your merely satisfied customers into Raving Fans.

Navigating the journey of improving customer service can be challenging, and that's why we offer a FREE consultation to get you started on your journey of improvement.

In the upcoming posts, we'll explore strategies for securing big clients and maintaining their loyalty.

Anita Larsen

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